Introductory Meetings for Master Program of Thailand Payap Universit

Time: 2020-11-27

On November 11, 2020, under the organization of Chen Qiqian, Deputy Dean of School of European-American Languages & Cultures, two meetings were held in Language Communication Training Center for introducing the master program of Thailand Payap University. Song Yafei, Vice President, and Zhang Yunzhi, Vice Director of International Cooperation and Exchanges were invited to give lectures to senior students, who are very concerned about their future and keep eyes on every opportunity to improve their education degrees.

The introductory meeting was host by Deputy Dean Chen Qiqian. At the beginning of the meeting, Vice President Song Yafei explained the original reason of setting up this project, which was to enhance teaching staff and keep up with the rapid development of the university. However, the university didn’t satisfy only improve teaching staff. In line with the idea ‘run the university to the satisfaction of the people’, it aims to provide more opportunities for students to improve their education degrees. This was the purpose of the introductory meetings for master program of Thailand Payap University.

Vice President Song Yafei Delivered a Speech 

After watching an introductory video, Vice Director Zhang Yunzhi introduced the master program of Payap University including its strengths, offering majors, application conditions, tuition fees and the scholarship plan.

During the question and answer section, the students enthusiastically asked questions. Vice President Song Yafei and Vice Director Zhang Yunzhi gave specific answers to every question. The meeting ended with a successful conclusion.

Vice Director Zhang Yunzhi Delivered a Speech

This meeting allows the senior students to learn more about the master program of Payap University and stimulates students’ enthusiasm to improve their education degrees. In addition, it provides more opportunities for students to study abroad, which helps them deal with the increasing difficulty in employment and national postgraduate entrance examination.

Deputy Dean Chen Qiqian Presided Over the Meeting