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Time: 2024-04-25

Application Checklist and Enrollment Steps for International Students


I. Application Checklist


1.Application Form for Admission

2. Foreigner Physical Examination Table

3. Study Certificate or Diploma (enclosing herewith the Chinese translation copy)

4. Passport (photo page)

5. Personal resume

6. HSK certificate (needed only for undergraduate applicants, but not for language learners)

(Download the information about HSK)

 What is “HSK”

Send the above materials to Email:


II. An admission decision will be made when we receive the above materials. If admitted, the JW202 Form used to apply for a visa as well as admission notice will be sent to the applicant.  


Ⅲ. The applicants should apply for the visa and other related procedures in China at the Chinese embassies and consulates in their native countries.


Ⅳ. When the applicant gets their visa, confirm the arrival information with the university. After arrival in China, the applicant can register in time in the university and deal with the related procedures.