A Letter to Students and Parents from GUFL Executive President Prof. Meng Lizhen

Time: 2020-01-31

Jan. 31, 2020


Dear students and parents,


How are you? This Lunar New Year is special. The novel coronavirus pneumonia (NCP) broke out in Wuhan, China and now affects many parts of the country. Like all the universities and colleges in the country, Guangxi University of Foreign Languages (GUFL) has issued notices to postpone school days. I understand many of you are concerned about the arrangements of the coming semester and the on-time completion of your curriculum studies. As the NCP has not been controlled, we can not decide on the exact date for school which will be subject to the disease prevention and control authorities’ announcement. We are doing our best to help you with your studies. Our faculty and staff have launched online classes and you can have these classes anytime for free.


In this particular period, no one can escape the impact of the epidemic disease. We must cooperate with the disease prevention and control authorities. At the same time we must be strong and show our support to the people of Wuhan and other disease-affected areas. We believe in the capacity of our country to control the disease. Discrimination against people from the disease-affected areas is intolerable. At present we keep ourselves home for prevention and hope this period will not last long. I believe the disease will finally be controlled. We must stand solid and united. I believe that under the leadership of the Chinese Government and with the joint effort of all the people of the world, we will win the battle to control the disease.


Dear students, we will embrace you on the beautiful campus on the Yongjiang riverside in a period of weeks!


Prof. Meng Lizhen,  

Executive President

Guangxi University of Foreign Languages